I'll Surpass The MC


List of reviews made by users for the I'll Surpass The MC novel.

2 users have written reviews for the I'll Surpass The MC novel and rated it with an average score of 4.5 out of 5.

2 Reviews

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Supreme Bhandari
Supreme Bhandari
1 month ago

Although the reader above stated a fact it still remains and doesn't overshadow the need of resources for revival and truth be told this novel is not a you die if Mr lvl 100 shows us the MC straight up clobbers the boar bastard with wits and schemes instead of relying on some unprecedented hidden power that just so reveals itself in a battle moreover it doesn't revolve around one guy we have multiple MC s and as the name itself implies they try surpassing the other MC s

Let me read in peace
Let me read in peace
2 months ago

In the end, this is just a game, none of the main characters actually die/are eliminated, the author provides one way or another to save and resurrect them. Maybe later they will compromise and unite to fight external threats, well... I hope it's not like that otherwise it will be boring!!.

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