Legend of the Supreme Soldier


List of reviews made by users for the Legend of the Supreme Soldier novel.

1 users have written reviews for the Legend of the Supreme Soldier novel and rated it with an average score of 5 out of 5.

1 Reviews

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Uchank Couzy
Uchank Couzy
6 months ago

Complete read review.
Plot is decent, battle description is good. medium-fast pace story.

This is Open Ending novel. if you like closed ending with closure for MC and other main supportive character than do not read this novel.

MC journey revolved in traveling from one galaxy to another. In each galaxy MC build and develop his skill and knowledge.
At first i kinda hate how genius and strong MC is, but in later chapter it revealed why (in a few sentence tough) well its enough for me.
There is only one thing i don't like with this novel, misunderstanding joke or stone face joke is kind of lame when you used it over and over again.

Still, i will recommended this novel who like mech genre.

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