Supremacy Games


List of reviews made by users for the Supremacy Games novel.

2 users have written reviews for the Supremacy Games novel and rated it with an average score of 4.5 out of 5.

2 Reviews

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Emerald Luague
Emerald Luague
4 months ago

Great story line, the first arc when Felix just preparing to enter the supremacy game is kinda slow, but Don't get me wrong it's great that the author show as a solid story line but hey they just die in the end so kinda sad T_T , I wish Felixstowe can resurrect his people but I know its has a low chance cuz his going to higher dimension,

Upside Down Vizzi
Upside Down Vizzi
1 year ago

noice noicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoicenoice

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