List of reviews made by users for the Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly novel.

1 users have written reviews for the Weird Live Broadcast: I Can Deduce Endlessly novel and rated it with an average score of 2.5 out of 5.

1 Reviews

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nate box
nate box
2 months ago

Ok, so the live broadcast part of the title so far matters very little. The first scenario it's used around three times, mainly to show how the MC is doing compared to other challengers and to throw in some nationalism. The second scenario only has it once and its inside the scenario itself and doesn't involve the real world.
Overall the live broadcast part seems like it was put there to ride on the wave of popularity of other such novels. I mean if the audience of the broadcast can only view 10% of what the MC does because of his ability why even make them a part of the story? Also the people who see/watch the broadcast are high level officials in each country and family members of those forced to participate, with nobody else? Where's the common citizen, those who worry about the MC, those who watch for entertainment of seeing people die, the people who bet on whether the MC wins or how he dies?
Basically broadcast elements are extremely lacking. The horror elements aren't bad and are overall decent.

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